Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow it is crazy to think that 2010 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. In the last year we have had many big changes in our lives. At the start of 2010 we celebrated the twins 5th birthday, yes 5th birthday. Crazy to think back to last January and the fact that we still had two kids at home daily. We also had the end of many great times as well. We spent our last weekend at the lake house, which equalled a mixed emotion for all parties involved. It was a great hangout for the whole Coffman clan and allowed us to all fellowship and come together with lots of laughter and fun. But also was a huge undertaking for Mom and Dad and I must admit that I think Dad stands a little taller without the stress of all the maintenance weighing him down. We spent the spring adjusting to Parker's new medical treatments and changes. But by summer we were all ready to reset and tackle the second part of the year. We were blessed that Mom and Dad made our annual trip to Jambalaya Jubilee (our annual arthritis conference) with us and shared with us all the joy we experience there summer after summer. We followed up Jambalaya Jubilee with a trip to Galveston for 4 days of rest and relaxation with Amanda and her girls and visited by Darby, Zach, and Greg. We were blessed to be able to celebrate Mimi and Paw-Paw's 71st wedding anniversary with them. Right before school started back we spent a weekend on the Guadalupe for Dad's birthday. The middle of July was bitter sweet. It was the first time to drop all three kids off at school, and being a mother of a 6th grader and two kinder kids took some adjustment. In August I started back to school which had to be the scariest thing I have done in along time. It was something I have always wanted to do but I must praise my husband for giving me the courage to take the leap of faith. I finished my fall semester with a 4.0 and a Presidential honor. The kids finished their semester with great accomplishments as well. All three have been awarded student of the week awards and Parker also received Student of the month. I am very proud to see the changes and maturity all three of my blessings have become. The year also brought many medical changes. The fist being Parker's great response to his infusions, at this point he is in a medicated remission and the twins labs that were once concerning have all leveled out back to normal. We are all extremely thankful for a year of good fortune and good health. We continue to have a positive outlook for this new year and are positive that this year will bestow another year of memories and blessings. I would like to thank all of you who have blessed our last year and look forward to spending another great year together. Here's to a great 2011 may it be a great new decade!