Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall In The Crain House!

It is officially fall in the Crain house! Wow where has the time gone? We are all doing good to stay on task and get to our many activities on time daily. The kids just finished up their nine week point and enjoyed 17 consecutive days off of school for fall break. It might be called fall break but with temperatures still in the mid ninety's it sure feels like a late summer break. Parker continues to excel at anything new he takes on, and I am so proud when people comment on what a great kid he is. I find myself looking at him less and less like a child and more and more like a teenager these days! His voice is changing and he now wears a size nine and a half shoe, he stands shoulder to shoulder with me and yet still has a look of innocence. Parker's heart is his greatest strength and his love of all people shines brighter than the sun. It is amazing to have the opportunity to watch him transform into a young man daily. Avery and Jackson are nearing the end of their sixth year of life, it is so hard to believe that they are almost seven. Avery is the apple of our eyes and works hard to remind us of that every second of everyday. Her perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. She works her little heart out to master every challenge presented to her, but with that said she won't settle for anything but perfection. I find myself reminding her daily to just enjoy being a kid.Jackson is still a test to tolerance and loves that aspect about himself. I discovered yesterday during parent/teacher conferences that his uncanning ability to charm those who give him the chance had worked to his advantage once again. Ms. Stotts has totally fallen for him and the second she said he makes her laugh I realized that my dream of her maybe being able to make him conform to society standards was over. One sure sign you have fallen under the Jackson spell is the fact that you recognize his true talent at arising laughter in your day. I know Mitch and I say daily that we will someday conquer this child but secretly I have no intention to actually achieve it, Jackson is a true blessing just the way he is. Life would be boring with out his jokester personality, and his argumentative style is what will make him succeed against all road blocks in life. All three of my children are the reason I love my life. Parker, Jackson, and Avery have quite the social calendar and full schedule of activities at the moment. All three are part of a bowling league this fall and they all seem to be really enjoying the sport (if bowling is a sport?). Jackson is still in Karate four days a week and he just earned his orange belt at the last belt test ceremony. Avery is my gymnast and every week I feel a bit of nostalgia sitting at the gym watching her learn the things my sisters and I learned when we were her age. Overall we have a great life and count our blessings daily, we are busy but I always remind those who think we are crazy for taking on so much that idle hands are the devils workshop. Fall break gave all of us the chance to reset ourselves until our next break at Christmas. The kids enjoyed the ability to sleep late and eat lots of junk food. We spent four days at the lake and being that it was probably the last bit of warm weather until spring they all made sure to get in all the water activities they love. Avery managed to wake board the entire length of ski alley and only fell after the wake from a passing boat took her down. Parker was so exhausted he even chose to sit out the last morning run. Jackson had to be reminded day one that he likes knee boarding and once we convinced him we couldn't get him to stop:) We rounded out our break with a trip to McAllen and had the pleasure to spend some serious grandparent bonding time, so much so that Jackson and Avery were in tears when we pulled out of the driveway to head home. It makes me happy to see them creating bonds and ties with family that will always be in their memories. Next on our fun schedule is Halloween so we are planning a trip to the pumpkin patch and of course lots of trick or treating. I hope and pray that fall brings about cooler weather, some rain, and more blessings on each and everyone of our friends and family members. As a side note Wednesday October 12th is world Arthritis day and I would like to remind you to take time to think about the thousands of people, especially children suffering from this disease. If I had one wish in life it would be for a cure, but until then we rejoice in the life we have been given!

Monday, July 18, 2011

updated post

The last blog managed to post with half of it missing. I figured I should give you the full story of our morning so you can laugh at my life. Jackson had a bad dream and woke up at 4am the dog woke up and needed to go out at 5am both times I checked the alarm and both times it was set properly. Next thing I know Parker is announcing that it is 7:45, needless to say we were all running around throwing on clothes attempting to get out of the house in less than 10 min. 7min. later we were in the car speeding to school shoving down breakfast as fast as possible. The car was in park and kids tumbleing out at 2min. till the bell. I snapped one quick picutre before pushing them into thier class lines as they were passing down the hallway. I managed to blow three big kisses in each direction and crawled back to my car in total disamazement of the whole thing. I definitely hope that this was just one of those days and not a precurser of the year to come. I am oh so proud at their ability to roll with the punches of mornings like this and only sad at the lack of time we had to talk and love on each other before school. Much to their hate, I am sure, I am planning a re-do for tomorrow and I will take our first annual second day of school picutres:) I hope to find time this week to post about their first week of school and I am sure they will give me lots of interesting stories to share! For now have a great week.

First day of School

First day of school in the Crain house didn't go as smoothly as I had planned. We spent yesterday preparing backpacks, laying out school clothes, grocery shopping, and getting in some last minuet t.v. time. Parker played it cool and remained in teenage land not showing any excitement at the thought of returning to school. Avery and Jackson flip flopped back and forth from dread to excitement. It is amazing to think back to last year and the idea of kinder and now they are big first graders. During dinner last night we went around the table setting goals for the upcoming academic year and if all goes according to their visions it should be another great one. I am so proud of my kids and who they are growing into. Parker is such a source of inspiration, his strength and determination astonishes me daily. Jackson is the most passionate six year old I know and his belly laughs always warm my heart from the inside out. Avery Grace is such a doll and her sweet heart brings love to all those blessed to know her. Mitch and I couldn't have asked for three better children to have in our lives. They fill my cup with love to the fullest capacity it will hold. I see such changes in their maturity, responsibility,and their capabilities and know that this year will only continue to develop them on their paths in life. As crazy as this morning was I am still happy at the result of three independent children standing tall and walking proud into another stage of their lives. It makes me proud to know that all the hopes and dreams Mitch and I have for them are coming true and more reachable than ever before. With karate, football, bowling, and gymnastics I know it will be a busy fall but I am looking forward to witnessing each milestone.

Summer has come and gone!

Wow summer has come and gone in a flash. The first two weeks didn't work out just as we had originally planned. Avery had a post surgery complication that earned her a night in the hospital and a longer recovery than originally expected. Once she was all clear we kicked off our summer of fun with our trip to Shreveport for Jambalaya Jubilee. This was Parker's first year to be grouped with the older kids and he loved it. As always Avery and Jackson had a total blast and acted as if it was a complete annoyance to have to check in with us. We spent the long weekend socializing and learning with other families who have children suffering from a rheumatic disease. At the kids request we stopped at the gator feeding farm on our way home. It is still interesting to be a mother of boys and activities like this remind me that growing up in a house of girls was way different. We had a few days at home to unpack, wash clothes, and repack for our next vacation. Due to the lack of rain we decided to change our plans from the Frio to several days at Lake McQueeney. We spent the time boating and swimming and Jack even tried to wakeboard. After a fantastic day honoring the wonderful fathers we are all blessed to have we packed the car once again and headed to Galveston. It was such a joy to return to a long standing tradition followed every summer of my childhood. Aunt Dorothy, Lauren, Charlie, Connor, Amanda, her girls, Mom, and me and the kids had a great time despite all the sea weed. I think the kids would rate the most fun a toss up between feeding the seagulls and catching sand crabs. Although we all missed Mimi and Paw-Paw's presence it was a blast to have the time together with all the cousins and the many kids we have added to the family in the past few years. We returned to Austin for summer camps and vacation bible school and added a last min. trip to the Valley to visit Mom and Dad on their home turf. It is so special to see how much love is shared between my kids and their grandparents, and makes me feel blessed to know they will forever hold the memories created. We got home just in time for back to school haircuts, which was huge in itself. Parker cut a smidge off the ends and Avery, my precious long haired princess, cut 12 inches to donate to locks of love. She now looks sassier and more grown up than ever. It seems like just yesterday we were all pouring over our calendars making plans for the summer and now it is all over. This summer was a great one filled with lots of fun and sun. We are so thankful to have the family we have and we will have the memories and pictures created forever.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I am sitting on my couch and for the first time in months I find myself able to complete a thought and reflect upon all of our many blessings. It has been a crazy, busy, stressful, fantastic, fun, spring in the Crain house. The semester started at warp speed and in true fashion it is ending that way as well. March was a great mid way break enjoyed by all. The kids went on a cruise with Grandma and some friends from Switzerland. It was the first time I had ever been away from all three kids for that long. I wouldn’t say I enjoyed the time alone but I can say I appreciated it. I stayed behind because of my school commitments and I to this very moment praise my Mom for her help that week. I had four midterms in the span of two days and the silence that fell over my house for the week was much needed and allowed me to prepare and execute each of the exams that faced me. When the week was up Mitch and I had the experience of meeting the cruise ship in port and the butterflies definitely set in while we waited to reclaim our cargo. In true kid fashion the greeting was not the Hollywood reunion I had fantasized about in my head all week long. I venture to say that all three kids had enjoyed the best week of their lives and the last thing they wanted was to see my smiling face because that was pure proof the inevitable return to reality had arrived. As they faked a few hugs Mitch loaded all their loot and their tan little bodies in to the car and that is when all the stories and memories were retold in 6 year old fashion. At that moment I was once again reminded of how lucky my kids are to have a grandmother that loves them as if they were her own. After spring break the semester resumed and so did all of the many kids activities. Parker participated in a bowling league and I think he truly found a sport he not only loves but a sport that is not affected by his arthritis. Jackson progressed to his yellow belt in Karate and Avery continued to soar in gymnastics. Along with our busy day to day activities the spring also sprung many doctors’ appointments on us as well. Jackson has been struggling with migraine issues again and Avery who has always had a hard time battling strep throat finally gave us clear reason to seek treatment outside of antibiotics. After visiting 6 different specialists for Jackson we had been cleared by ENT, ophthalmology, the dentist, and finally found hope in a new neurologist who specializes in pediatric headaches. He was started on a slew of medications that seemed to work for a week or so but ultimately his little body rejected them and due to the reaction he had he was removed from all of them. Monday was spent at Dell Children’s Hospital where Jackson was sedated and underwent another MRI. We are currently waiting to hear back from the neurologist with our new plan of attack but for now Jack continues to push through and he fights to maintain his normal active six year old life. Wednesday was spent in yet another hospital waiting room but this time I was blessed to have my Mom by my side. After giving the nurses and doctors a little taste of her calling card screaming, Avery was successfully separated from me and taken to surgery where she had her tonsils and adenoids removed. She has been a complete trooper and seems to be on the road to recovery. As if all of these issues aren’t enough to keep this mom busy Parker decided to get in on the fun. The hospital staff will be reunited with me in the next two weeks when Parker goes in to the operating room for a knee draining and steroid injection to hopefully remedy the inflammation that was revealed during an MRI a couple of weeks ago. Although I am looking forward to sunny summer days I can’t complain about these crazy spring days because I recognize the fact that things could always be worse. Mitch and I never take anything for granted and we are grateful on a daily basis to have these three fantastic kids in our lives. As the school year nears to an end I am reminded daily of how big all three kids are getting daily. In a short ten weeks I will have a 7th grader and two 1st graders. I am so proud of the kids they are growing up to be. During the award assembly at school this week Parker received the Citizenship award, Avery received the Principal’s award, and Jack…well he received the best storyteller award (very fitting). Words cannot describe how proud I was to sit there with my Mom and husband by my side and witness each one of them walk to the front and receive their awards. It is things like that in which I gain my strength to continue to live as if every moment could be the last. If I were to be taken from earth today it would not be with any regrets or sadness because I can honestly say that each day I am lucky enough to spend with my family is blessing enough and the fact that God grants me another one the next day is just the icing on the cake. I hope and pray each of you that read this recognize the fact that life isn’t about what success you have at work, and it isn’t about anything money could purchase but rather life is about the people you are blessed to share your love and dreams with. My kids have been instrumental in painting the picture of true happiness for me and for that I will always be eternally grateful.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow it is crazy to think that 2010 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. In the last year we have had many big changes in our lives. At the start of 2010 we celebrated the twins 5th birthday, yes 5th birthday. Crazy to think back to last January and the fact that we still had two kids at home daily. We also had the end of many great times as well. We spent our last weekend at the lake house, which equalled a mixed emotion for all parties involved. It was a great hangout for the whole Coffman clan and allowed us to all fellowship and come together with lots of laughter and fun. But also was a huge undertaking for Mom and Dad and I must admit that I think Dad stands a little taller without the stress of all the maintenance weighing him down. We spent the spring adjusting to Parker's new medical treatments and changes. But by summer we were all ready to reset and tackle the second part of the year. We were blessed that Mom and Dad made our annual trip to Jambalaya Jubilee (our annual arthritis conference) with us and shared with us all the joy we experience there summer after summer. We followed up Jambalaya Jubilee with a trip to Galveston for 4 days of rest and relaxation with Amanda and her girls and visited by Darby, Zach, and Greg. We were blessed to be able to celebrate Mimi and Paw-Paw's 71st wedding anniversary with them. Right before school started back we spent a weekend on the Guadalupe for Dad's birthday. The middle of July was bitter sweet. It was the first time to drop all three kids off at school, and being a mother of a 6th grader and two kinder kids took some adjustment. In August I started back to school which had to be the scariest thing I have done in along time. It was something I have always wanted to do but I must praise my husband for giving me the courage to take the leap of faith. I finished my fall semester with a 4.0 and a Presidential honor. The kids finished their semester with great accomplishments as well. All three have been awarded student of the week awards and Parker also received Student of the month. I am very proud to see the changes and maturity all three of my blessings have become. The year also brought many medical changes. The fist being Parker's great response to his infusions, at this point he is in a medicated remission and the twins labs that were once concerning have all leveled out back to normal. We are all extremely thankful for a year of good fortune and good health. We continue to have a positive outlook for this new year and are positive that this year will bestow another year of memories and blessings. I would like to thank all of you who have blessed our last year and look forward to spending another great year together. Here's to a great 2011 may it be a great new decade!