Monday, November 23, 2009


Wow it is hard to believe that it is that time of year again it seems like we just started 2009 and now it is quickly coming to an end. We have been so busy lately it seems like the time is flying by too fast. I found myself sitting on the couch tonight staring into the distance, I kept sitting there thinking of everything that needed to be accomplished before sunrise and I got to the point in my list in which I was convinced that it would be easier to sit there and fail then keep going and still fail. The kids and I are headed to the lake to spend the holidays with my Mom and Dad and me and my big mouth volunteered to make the side dishes for our Thanksgiving meal, which isn't a big task in its self but when I wait until 8pm the night before we are due to leave it was not as easy as it could have been, not to mention I still needed to pack for all three kids and myself, and clean house, and see to it that Mitch would have stuff to eat for the week and the list keeps going WHEW here I go again with my list making it is a bad habit I can't stop.....but anyways as I was sitting tonight feeling overwhelmed and looking for pity or magical fairies to do it all for me I realized what it was that we were getting ready to celebrate. Thanksgiving! It was amazing as I sat there and thought about it all the stress left me and I had an instant energy fill me. I took the focus off of the task at hand and focused on the hands on task in my life. If I would do that more I think my list making would slow down and my mind would rest you see it is the things we are thankful for that matter, not how much Christmas shopping has been accomplished or who is making what for what meal or the fact that the kids are destroying the house faster than humanly possible. I realized tonight that I always say I am thankful and in my prayers I list them all one by one but do I really take full recognition for all the blessings that surround me. Yes of course we are thankful for health in this house and for all the people who love and support us and for Mitch's great job, but what about for the sweet potatoes that a neighbor left on the front porch or the fly that landed on the Venus fly trap so that I didn't have to go hunt down the next bug to feed it, you see if we sit there and take inventory of our thanks the things that didn't happen or that need to happen don't seem like failures anymore. I am thankful for our clothes whether they are clean or dirty(which tonight are dirty) and I am thankful for the fact that I have the means in which I get to stay home and live this life with the three beautiful kids God has blessed me with. I know I am starting to make a list again but I think I would rather sit around and list the things I am thankful for over the things I need to do. So with this I want to tell each and everyone of you I am thankful for you and hope that you find that your blessings far out way your wants or needs. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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